We were challenged to define a company — from vision to culture — then imagine a brand from the inside out to facilitate the company’s evolution from a collection of disparate product brands to a strong, singular master brand.

Business Challenge

Dümmen Orange represents a legacy of floricultural excellence more than a century in the making, providing the largest selection of superior flowers and plants on earth. Previously DNA Green Group, the business was made up of 16 distinct companies across five continents. While each acquired brand had its own rich history and product portfolio, they needed to be brought together as one.


We began by surveying key stakeholders from across the globe and crafted five core values for the unified brand. We defined a brand voice and personality that would resonate with their global audiences and set the foundation for the future brand expression. We explored a variety of brand expressions as the foundation of the visual brand identity. In launching the new brand, we were charged with merging a multitude of websites into one unified online presence. This new site was created to introduce customers, partners, and media to the new vision, brand story, and broad product portfolio.

Since the rebrand, Dümmen Orange has seen exponential growth in market share and has become the leading floriculture brand globally.

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